Bueno SL DV1459
Most used 3-year-old stallion in 2023

Owner/Agent: Stallion AI Services
Contact: 01948 666295
Email: office@stallionai.com
Note: SAIS is agent for this stallion
Bueno SL is a noble but large-framed stallion with a super good expression and a nice stallion character. He has a strong suitably long topline and a good cross that makes the hindquarters strong and well angled. The stallion is equipped with good well-shaped hooves and strong well-marked joints. Bueno has a rhythmic regular stride and moves well also throughout the topline. Both the trot and the canter are spectacular and he walks with great forward search and active in both knees and hocks. He is a stallion that really stands out positively among other young stallions. Buoy's temperament is good and calm and he is a pleasure to have in the stable, where everyone can get along with him. Buenos Bonds' sire is a younger stallion who is making a very positive impression in breeding. Bonds was "Siegerhengst" in Oldenburg in 2915, and has made a very positive impression at the German awards with several chosen sons. Bonds is a good representative of the Belissimo blood. The Buenos Farfar Foundation presents the Fiedertanz blood in the best way . Foundation took the material test in Schliekau with a dtessur grade of 9.06 and now goes into the sport with Mathias Rath at Grand Prix level. In the third link, Bueno SL has Plasier D'Amour and Rubinstein I in the fourth link. All in all, a very well-bred dressage stallion with good classic blood from the best mare strains in Oldenburg. Extremely well-running dressage stallion that fits well with many Danish mares. Awarded 2 years breeding approval for 2024 and 2025
Videos of Bueno SL DV1459
Results for Bueno SL DV1459
Awarded in Hannover, Oldenburg, Sweden and Danish Warmblood.